- Rate 1–300 Temp 1–1360 Hold1 –20minutes
- Rate 2–300 Temp 2–1465 Hold 2–10minutes
- Rate 3–9999 Temp 3–960 Hold 3–60minutes
- Rate 4–100 Temp 4–825 Hold 4–0minutes
• After the kiln has cooled naturally, remove the textured glass from the kiln and tile. Wash any residual glass separator from the surface of the glass using soap and water and a scouring pad if necessary.
• If a subsequent slump is desired, apply a glass separator to the selected slump mold (GM02 Square Sushi and GM17 Rectangle Sushi molds by Creative Paradise, Inc. were used to slump the projects in images in this tutorial), place the texture glass on the mold texture side down or textured side up according to your own artistic preferances and fire the glass using your standard slumping schedule. The schedule used for the pictured slumped projects is below:
- Rate 1–350 Temp 1- 1100 Hold 1–10 Minutes
- Rate 2–350 Temp 2–1250 Hold 2–15 Minutes
- Rate 3–9999 Temp 3–960 Hold 3–60 Minutes